Just Sit with Me

Written by on May 4, 2021

Just Sit with Me

Air Date: Tuesday, 11 May 2021 at 1:00 PM ET/10:00 AM PT

Flow of Enlightenment GP Walsh Lisa Berry OMTimes Radio

Can we keep someone company by simply being there, not knowing what to say but by opening our hearts up to fill the space of what our ego might want to add.

Words can be limiting but presence is pure allowing.

We can be by someone’s side, saying nothing and in total silence, yet communicate all that is needed in that moment.

*How do we get passed the uncomfortability that silence may cause us ?

*How do we remove the pressure from ourselves of what to say when words escape us?

*How can we move passed our intolerance to silence and reduce our constant filling up of airtime?

*How can we recognize the gift that is in ‘simply being’ and being with another ?

*How can we feel that by simply being with another is healing in and of itself?

Connect to The Flow of Enlightenment Show Page https://omtimes.com/iom/shows/flow-of-enlightenment

Connect with GP Walsh at http://GPWalsh.com

Connect with Lisa Berry at http://www.lightonliving.com/

#FlowOfEnlightenment #GPWalsh #LisaBerry

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