The Idea of Love
Written by OMTimes Radio on May 12, 2021
The Idea of Love
Air Date: Wednesday, 19 May 2021 at 5:00 PM ET/2:00 PM PT
LOVE is not conditional. It’s present in each and every heart-touched crevasse, human interaction, and unpredictable moment of life.
But for most of us we see love through the lens of whether something feels loving or NOT. Because we connect with the events of life as if they either are or are not loving, and then react from that conclusion, it causes us to have a qualified and limited understanding of the deeper workings, at play.
This week, Sam will explore the idea that all of that which exists is LOVE. And by recognizing this intrinsic quality in all circumstances, it allows us to lean in and cause more consciousness, connection and relationship with all of life, all people we share the planet with, and the possibility for evolving together.
You’ll have an opportunity to see how defensiveness and self-protection are simply crusty wrappings used to avoid the making of contact with the possibility of love. Beyond that, we’ll sort out the difference between acting as if we are loving AND walking in life as LOVE which leads us to be more engaged and powerful, WARRIORS OF THE HEART.
This is a profound opportunity to take a closer look at you how you relate to LOVE, act upon LOVE, and see LOVE as something attached to behavior rather than BEING.
It’ll be a thought-provoking, inspiring hour for sure. And Sam invites you to CALL IN and CHAT LIVE and share your ideas about ‘LOVE’, to further the conversation.
Go to to submit your questions for this week’s conversation.
You won’t want to miss being an ‘ON AIR’ participant of Expedition Self. Sam will provide real insight, understanding and offer an opportunity to connect a new way of thinking to YOUR way of thinking.
Each week Sam discusses a different and highly accessible slice of building a stronger, deeper relationship with the inner Self so that YOU have the tools to become more and more whole.
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#Love #SamParrotto #ExpeditionSelf #Creativity