I Remember You

Written by on June 22, 2021

I Remember You

Air Date: Tuesday, 29 June 2021 at 1:00 PM ET/10:00 AM PT

Flow of Enlightenment GP Walsh Lisa Berry OMTimes Radio

~The incredible feeling of being seen

Isn’t it great when someone recognizes you?

It can be a recognition from the past.
It can be a recognition of something you have achieved.
It can be a recognition of your value.
It can even be the recognition of an old friend.
It feels wonderful to be seen.

So why it that?

Well, for starters, we need it. We humans are far more fragile than we would like to believe.

Children need constant recognition and reassurance that they have value. While giving children heaps of praise is criticized in some quarters as spoiling them and making them conceited, exactly the opposite is true.

The child that is praised will eventually internalize that praise and be able to something quite remarkable. They will be able to self-validate. Far from being arrogant, they will have a quiet confidence.

Unfortunately, most of did not get that. We got the more dominant notion of “children should be seen and not heard.” This leads to all sorts of problems with self-esteem, whether that presents itself as self-depreciation or arrogance. Yes, arrogance is a symptom of self-hatred.

There is so much to this subject, including how to heal such wounds as adults. This is what I will be talking about in my next Flow of Enlightenment radio show on Tuesday at 1pm EST with Lisa Berry.

This will be our final episode for a while as I have decided that I want to give more time to my private Facebook group and so I I invite you to join us be there, ‘GP Walsh Spiritual Teacher’ where well be live streaming every Tuesday at 12pm EST.

If you’re not in the group, well what are you awaiting for? https://www.facebook.com/groups/gpwalsh

I will be posting the replays in my Patron members area on my site as well. To become a Patron (it’s cheap and easy) visit my site at https://www.gpwalsh.com/patron

So enjoy the final episode on Om Times on Tuesday June 29th and we will see you next week in the group!

Connect to The Flow of Enlightenment Show Page https://omtimes.com/iom/shows/flow-of-enlightenment

Connect with GP Walsh at http://GPWalsh.com

Connect with Lisa Berry at http://www.lightonliving.com/

#IRememberYou #FlowOfEnlightenment #GPWalsh #LisaBerry

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