How to Find Yourself When You Feel Lost

Written by on July 19, 2021

How to Find Yourself When You Feel Lost

Aired Monday, July 26, 2021 at 9:00 AM PST / 12:00 PM EST

Access to Angels and Grace

She no longer recognized her life. Somehow, as she cruised through life, she slipped into autopilot.

She once had aspirations and dreams, which she expected would lead to fulfillment and joy.

But now, she did not feel fulfilled, and she barely recognized the person she had become. She had lost herself and her dreams along the way.

Now she was left with many questions: “Can this really be my life? How did I get here?”

“What happened to the adventure, discovery, and purpose I was supposed to have? Where did I go wrong or lose sight of what matters most?”

“And how do I find my way home to me?”

Like this woman, we all can lose ourselves and our way along life’s journey. What matters most is not that we don’t get lost, but that we know how to find our way home when we do.

We need to learn to use compassion as our compass and give ourselves permission to take an exit off the road we’ve been cruising down.

And we need to learn how to ask the Universe to help us course correct and return to the road that leads to self-love, fulfillment, and peace.

Lisa Berry and Noemi Grace invite you to join them as they share powerful strategies for discovering deeper truths about yourself and aligning your life with those truths. Noemi Grace also channels Divine wisdom to help us return home to ourselves. All on the next Access to Angels and Grace show, Monday 7/26 on OmTimes Radio.

Connect with Lisa and Noemi at and

Visit the Access to Angels and Grace show page

#findyourself #transformyourlife #freeyourself #NoemiGrace #AccessToAngelsAndGrace #LisaBerry #LightOnLiving

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