How the Pillar of Light Expands Your Soul

Written by on July 27, 2021

How the Pillar of Light Expands Your Soul

Air Date: Tuesday, 3 August 2021 at 12:00 PM ET/9:00 AM PT

Activate Your Soulgasmic Business Rosalyn Fung OMTimes Radio

Thank you for tuning in, I’m so honored to have you choose to listen to this show! If you enjoy this episode, please do leave a review, take a screenshot of this podcast and shout me out on social media, so that more people can tune in too!

For those of you desiring to know the big picture of how I walk my clients through my signature method, which I call FUN, BOLD & SEXY to magnetize your soulmate clients and monetize on your calling, I have a free mini-video series to share with you so that you understand the big picture components of the step by step that I walk my clients through.

You can download this at

Now onto today’s show!

What is the Pillar of Light?

How does The Pillar of Light it help with healing?

How does the Pillar of Light empower healers with even more spiritual superpowers?

Join me and my special guest and soul brother Jeffrey Saunders, who is known as the Canadian Healing Medium.

As a young boy, Jeffrey grew up being made to feel that he was different from the rest. Being treated poorly by the teachers and bullies due to his ADHD. Then at home dealing with the verbal abuse from a father who was not emotionally available, leaving him as a child, teenager, and adult with no hope of self-worth or self-love.

Today, after battling his way through multiple suicide attempts, multiple addictions, and a near-death experience that changed his life, he’s now giving back and healing those who reach out to him physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.


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Let’s stay Connected! I would love to hear your thoughts of this episode!

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Instagram: @boldsexywarrior

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#JeffreySaunders #OrgasmicBusiness #RosalynFung

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