The Kabbalah and Astrology with Dr. Victoria Scerbo

Written by on July 12, 2021

The Kabbalah and Astrology with Dr. Victoria Scerbo

Air Date: Monday, 19 July 2021 at 5:00 PM ET/2:00 PM PT

Kathy talks with Dr. Victoria Scerbo about the ancient spiritual wisdom of the Kabbalah and how it can blend with astrology. Kathy also updates her forecast for July. aually experience the night sky, in the ways humans did before astrology charts were even invence you remove the filters, you’ll connect with planets and stars in magical — and very personal — ways.

Dr. Victoria Scerbo has been a chiropractor since 1987 practicing in New Jersey and Massachusetts. A student of metaphysics since the early nineties, she has always been driven by the need to understand and get to the bottom of things. Her astrological studies began shortly after her first professional reading almost 30 years ago. In 1999 in the shadow of the Eclipse of the Century she met her Kabbalah Teacher Linda Ward and began an apprenticeship in Kabbalisitic studies. She has been combining her knowledge of Astrology with her Kabbalistic Studies for 20 years doing Kabbalistic Life Readings which include Evolutionary Astrology with Numerology and Kabbalah. She has her own Youtube channel where she does daily Astrological Weather and monthly Kabbalastic pictures of the month ahead.

“What the Kabbalah seems to add to the study of Astrology,” she explains, “is a more focused exploration of that which can hold us back and how to work through our shadow so that we can understand and ultimately transcend our personal blocks in order to walk our path in a more authentic and joyful manner.”

Dr. Scerbo’s site:

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#Kabbalah #DrVictoriaScerbo #CelestialCompass #Astrology #KathyBiehl

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