Reinventing Age with Connie Zweig, PhD

Written by on September 16, 2021

Reinventing Age with Connie Zweig, PhD

Aired Thursday, September 23, 2021 at 4:00 PM PST / 7:00 PM EST

What Is Going OM Sandie Sedgbeer OMTimes Radio

It’s a truism that we all want to live a long and productive life, but none of us wants to grow older… And while we may say age is just a number, deep inside most of us harbour secret fears and perceptions about the meaning of those words “old” & “ageing”––which we too often equate with failing health, cognitive decline, and the feeling of being put out to grass because we are no longer useful or important.

The fact is age discrimination is rampant in many societies and cultures … And we too are guilty of being ageists simply for harbouring such negative thoughts. But according to this week’s guest, there are many hidden treasures and spiritual benefits that can be found in aging.

Connie-Zweig_What-Is-Going-OM_OMTimes-RadioConnie Zweig PhD is a retired therapist who is known as a guide who can go where others fear to tread. A renowned expert in shadow work, she is co-author of Meeting the Shadow: The Hidden Power of the Dark Side of Human Nature and Romancing the Shadow: Illuminating the Dark Side of the Soul, and author of Meeting the Shadow of Spirituality. Now, in her latest book, The Inner Work of Age: Shifting from Role to Soul, Connie Zweig is reinventing age by showing baby boomers how to master late life from the inside out, and learn that aging can be a spiritual experience that take us across the threshold from role to soul.

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