Mother’s Day: The Heart of Mothers

Written by on April 4, 2022

Mother’s Day: The Heart of Mothers

Air Date: Monday, 11 April 2022 at 8:00 PM ET/5:00 PM PT

Tuesday, 12 April 2022 at 9:00 AM Singapore

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Eros Evolution Martha Tara Lee

In this episode, host Relationship Counselor & Clinical Sexologist Dr Martha Tara Lee invites her two friends Confidence Coach Carol Gockel and Entrepreneur Felicia Tan to share about their motherhood journey. What is it like being modern day moms? What are some of the challenges and how do they cope? How do they navigate their romantic and sexual relationship? All this and more on Eros Evolution!


Carol-Gockel_Eros-Evolution_OMTimes-RadioCarol Gockel

Carol Gockel is a Confidence Coach and Change Maker. She helps women unleash their inner goddess through her coaching blueprint. She is an NLP practitioner with The American Board of Neuro-linguistic Programming as well as a certified Style Coach with Style Coaching Institute, London. She was recognised as one of 100 Faces of International Iconic Influencers by Aesthetics International in India, Singapore and London in 2019. Carol was the only Singaporean to be chosen to co-author the book – Break Through, with World’s #1 motivational speaker, Les Brown.




Felicia-Tan_Eros-Evolution_OMTimes-RadioFelicia Tan

She started a blog with the intention of sharing her baby journey way back in 2007. However, along the way, she had miscarriaged twice, lost 3 angel baby boys (2nd pregnancy being a twin) and gone on to publish 3 books – To Baby With Love, Lost And Found, A Gift From Heaven, with the latest book about her newborn. Also, on this journey, She found a new faith, accepted Christ, and God showed me that He has a way for her! So now She had her rainbow baby named Titus Low conceived naturally after 10 years of marriage!



#MothersDay #Carol Gockel #FeliciaTan #ErosEvolution #DrMarthaTaraLee

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