Kute Blackson – The Magic of Surrender
Written by OMTimes Radio on May 2, 2022
Kute Blackson – The Magic of Surrender
Aired Monday, May 9, 2022 at 11:00 AM PST / 2:00 PM EST / 7:00 PM GMT / 8:00 PM CET
What is surrender? When so many of us are struggling to find solutions to personal and global problems, there may be a way to solve them. Join Kara Johnstad and transformational teacher Kute Blackson in a heartfelt conversation on grace, surrender, and following the wisdom of a river, a cloud, and a wild rose. One of the boldest voices on the transformational scene, national bestselling author Kute Blackson, shares life-changing wisdom from his newest book, The Magic of Surrender. Kute’s wisdom touches us and helps us move past inner struggles. Can relinquishing control liberate us? If you are ready to create a life beyond your wildest imagination, then learn the beauty of surrendering with grace.
#Mantra #Chanting #SnatamKaur #VoiceRising #KaraJohnstad
Connect with Kute Blackson at https://kuteblackson.com
To get in touch with Kara go to http://www.karajohnstad.com/
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