How To Do Life Handbook

Written by on June 29, 2022

How To Do Life Handbook

Air Date: Wednesday, 6 July 2022 at 5:00 PM ET/2:00 PM PT

Expedition Self Sam Parrotto PMTimes Radio

What if we really did have a ‘How to do Life Handbook’?

This week on Expedition Self, we’re going to talk about what we’d include in the handbook, how it would be delivered to us for maximum absorption, and whether or not, it would actually help us have an easier ride through life.

For years, people have often said after a challenging time in their life or when giving advice to someone else who has had the same, ‘if only we had a handbook’.

But would that handbook actually make a difference for human beings who are often quite stubborn, self-defended, and self-protective?

Are we just wired to have to learn each and every lesson, experientially, and for ourselves?

Sam is going to explore the kinds of lessons and advice that would be found on the chapters and pages, and then she’ll propose exercises and activities one could engage in that might help with ‘whole Self synthesis’.

Have you ever considered there might be a methodology to learning about how to be a person?

She’ll also share some of her own lessons, the repetitive nature of learning, and revisit the ‘point’ of evolving, transforming, and expanding through the many ups and downs thrown at us by the great unknown, chaotic, random or not, generators of daily life.

You’ll come away from this show pondering the elements you’d include in your personal, ‘How to do life HANDBOOK’. And, you’ll have an opportunity to think about how you learn, what interferes with the full integration of that learning within your entire internal ‘Self’ system, and identify new experiences you can create to accelerate the development of BEING – YOU.

Sam invites you to CALL IN and CHAT LIVE about the ‘How to do your life HANDBOOK’ to further the conversation. Ask questions. Share experiences. This could be the hour that moves you one step further on your growth and development journey.

Go to to follow along and new show updates each week.

You won’t want to miss being an ‘ON AIR’ participant of Expedition Self. Sam will provide real insight, understanding and offer an opportunity to connect a ‘NEW way of thinking’ to ‘YOUR way of thinking’.

Each week Sam discusses a different and highly accessible aspect of life helping you to build a stronger, deeper relationship with the inner Self so you can become more and more WHOLE.

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Connect with Sam Parrotto on her website at

#LifeHandbook #SamParrotto #ExpeditionSelf #Creativity

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