Lower Ego Power and Difficulty Forming Close Relationships

Written by on June 29, 2022

Lower Ego Power and Difficulty Forming Close Relationships with Family and Friends

Air Date Wednesday, 6 July 2022 at 8:00 AM PST / 11:00 AM EST

Its Your Ego - Stupid Nick Martin OMTimes radio

This week on “It’s Your Ego—Stupid!”, Dr. Nick we’ll be looking intensely into the mirror of forming close relationships with family and friends and how lower ego power can get in the way of this happening. This energy, for those entrapped in it, undermines their ability to use important tools needed to build close relationships, such as healthy two-way communication in which they can assert themselves, insisting on compromise that meets their needs, expressing their need for compassion and understanding, and willingness to participate in the building of close relationships with their own creative input and contributions. As adults they frequently live in roles such as Dependent, Martyr, Victim, or Conformist.

During the show, I’ll be looking at symptoms which can reveal the presence of lower ego power and reflections of ego stupidity that occur when this person is having difficulty forming close relationships with family and friends. This show will also look at specific insights needed to transform lower ego power into a healthier and more balanced place, with the use of ego medicine, and the impact of lower ego power on one’s spiritual wellness.

Please join me Wednesdays at 11:00 am (ET) when I will be sharing what you’ve taught me about what ego’s doing within your life, humanly and spiritually.

Visit the It’s Your Ego-Stupid! show page https://omtimes.com/iom/shows/its-your-ego-stupid/

Connect with Dr. Nick Martin at https://www.egoandspirit.info/

#LowerEgoPower #EgoStupidity #EgoMedicine #EgoVoice #DrNickMartin #DrNickolasMartin #ItsYourEgoStupid


Original air date September 2, 2020

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