Louise Hamlin – WhatsApps from Heaven
Written by OMTimes Radio on July 13, 2022
Louise Hamlin – WhatsApps from Heaven: Bereavement in the Twenty-First Century
Aired Wednesday, July 20, 2022 at 5:00 PM PST / 8:00 PM EST
We’ve shared many stories of transitioned loved ones communicating from the other side but never using an app!!
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My guest this week on Destination Unlimited, retired UK lawyer Louise Hamlin, received several communications from her late husband, Patrick, but the most surprising of these were a series of messages on WhatsApp! Her website is https://louisehamlin.co.uk/, and she joins me this week to share her amazing story and new book, WhatsApps from Heaven: Bereavement in the Twenty-First Century.
Connect with Victor Fuhrman at http://victorthevoice.com/
#LouiseHamlin #WhatsAppsFromHeaven #VictorFuhrman #DestinationUnlimited
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