Lower Ego Power and Difficulty Achieving Your Life’s Purpose

Written by on September 21, 2022

Lower Ego Power and Difficulty Achieving Your Life’s Purpose

Air Date Wednesday, 28 September 2022 at 8:00 AM PST / 11:00 AM EST

Its Your Ego - Stupid Nick Martin OMTimes radio

This week on “It’s Your Ego—Stupid!”, Dr. Nick will be looking intensely into the mirror of being able to achieve using our potential and ultimately fulfilling our life’s purpose. Each of us has been given many gifts which we can work with in order to fulfill our human and Divine purpose. A human purpose in which we can use our gifts in whatever life’s work we choose to undertake. Be it as a teacher, accountant, custodian, athlete, minister—any and all options available to us. A Divine purpose common to all, in which our human purpose provides us with the opportunity to be the Love, Life, and Energy—God Is, within our service to others, and ultimately to ourselves.

Unfortunately, for those with lower ego power the sense of disempowerment within their life often contributes to obstacles on their road to achievement and fulfilling their life’s purpose. Obstacles that include a lack of confidence and belief in oneself, questioning whether they deserve to achieve, allowing others to tell them what is important for them to achieve, and so on. Roles they may find their way into living, until they awaken, include the Underachiever, the Conformist, and the Dependent. During the show, I’ll be looking at symptoms, reflections of ego stupidity, and the impact on spiritual wellness which occurs when caught up in this energy. I’ll also be looking at specific insights needed to transform lower ego power into a healthier and more balanced place.

Please join me Wednesdays at 11:00 am (ET) when I will be sharing what you’ve taught me about what ego’s doing within your life, humanly and spiritually.

Visit the It’s Your Ego-Stupid! show page https://omtimes.com/iom/shows/its-your-ego-stupid/

Connect with Dr. Nick Martin at https://www.egoandspirit.info/

#LowerEgoPower #LifesPurpose #EgoStupidity #EgoMedicine #EgoVoice #DrNickMartin #DrNickolasMartin #ItsYourEgoStupid


Original Air Date Wednesday, December 2, 2020

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