What Part of Your Life Wants to Reinvent Itself?

Written by on September 5, 2022

What Part of Your Life Wants to Reinvent Itself?

Aired Monday, 12 September 2022 at 9:00 AM PST / 12:00 PM EST

Access to Angels and Grace

Sometimes a part of our lives wants to reinvent itself. And that can make us feel very uncomfortable.

But there’s also good news: You can envision the reinvention of that part of your life.

When you put energy in the direction of your new vision and align your choices with that vision, that area of your life is empowered to re-create itself.

But first, you must recognize that part of your life wants to reinvent itself. And here’s how you’ll know. You’ll feel:

· A vague sense of discomfort and stagnation.

· Unclear and unable to commit to a path in part of your life.

· Uncertain about your decisions and stuck where you are.

· Fearful about the future and resistant to change.

These signs indicate that at least one aspect of your life wants to reinvent itself. And those parts are calling for your attention, while your feelings are illuminating where the work and love are needed.

When you can do the inner work that is being called for without resistance, the magic of alchemy illuminates your path, and reinvention occurs from within.

By allowing these changes and aligning your choices with them, you become joyful, and life becomes increasingly effortless, as abundance grows in those areas of your life that are being reinvented.

Lisa Berry and Noemi Grace invite you to join them on the next Access to Angels and Grace show as they assist you in envisioning the reinvention that is ready to be experienced in your life.

Lisa Berry intuitively listens and elevates the conversation. Noemi Grace channels Divine wisdom to help us to recognize those parts of our lives that are calling for reinvention and use the tools of alchemy to help us transform and transcend where we have been living.

All on Monday September 12 @ 12 ET on OmTimes Radio.

#transformyourlife #freeyourself #channeling # stepintoyourpower #NoemiGrace #AccesstoAngelsandGrace #LisaBerry #LightOnLiving

Connect with Lisa and Noemi at http://www.noemigrace.com/ and http://www.lightonliving.com/

Visit the Access to Angels and Grace show page https://omtimes.com/iom/shows/access-to-angels-and-grace/

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