Higher Ego Power and Difficulty Dealing with Significant Life Changes

Written by on November 2, 2022

Higher Ego Power and Difficulty Dealing with Significant Life Changes

Air Date Wednesday, 09 November 2022 at 8:00 AM PST / 11:00 AM EST

Its Your Ego - Stupid Nick Martin OMTimes radio

This week on “It’s Your Ego—Stupid!”, Dr. Nick will be looking intensely into the mirror of our ability to manage significant life changes that we are called upon to deal with. These include developmental changes involving our health, growth and development. Situational changes involving work, relationships, and finances. Also, societal and technological changes taking place in an ever changing world we are called on to deal with. During the show I’ll be looking at symptoms, reflections of ego stupidity, and the impact on spiritual wellness which occurs when one is caught up in higher ego power energy. I’ll also be looking at specific ego insights needed to transform higher ego power into a healthier and more balanced place.

Unfortunately, for those with higher ego power, these kind of changes can represent a challenge to the control they believe they need to have over what is taking place in their life. Often, leading to their trying to control the change rather than working with it. Their efforts to control the change can take the form of aggressive approaches in which they try to stop the change from happening, pretend it’s not happening, or try to undo the change. The ego stupidity enters into their life when their approaches are out of alignment with the inevitable and natural process of change that unfolds in everyone’s life. Their approach to change can be summed up as controlling change rather than allowing change to control them. Roles they may find their way into living, until they awaken, include the Dictator, the Control Freak, and the Independent.

Please join me Wednesdays at 11:00 am (ET) when I will be sharing what you’ve taught me about what ego’s doing within your life, humanly and spiritually.

Visit the It’s Your Ego-Stupid! show page https://omtimes.com/iom/shows/its-your-ego-stupid/

Connect with Dr. Nick Martin at https://www.egoandspirit.info/

#HigherEgoPower #SignificantLifeChanges #EgoStupidity #EgoMedicine #EgoVoice #DrNickMartin #DrNickolasMartin #ItsYourEgoStupid


Originally Aired Wednesday, January 20, 2021

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