How to Reignite Your Sense of Adventure and Create a Life You Love

Written by on November 25, 2022

How to Reignite Your Sense of Adventure and Create a Life You Love

Aired Friday, December 2, 2022 at 4:00 PM PST / 7:00 PM EST

The Autoimmune Hour with Sharon Sayler OMTimes Radio

Today, we discover how to let go of what’s no longer working and create the life we want with the help of Pamela Sylvan – The Mojomaker. Pamela is a multi-faceted entrepreneur, executive mentor, TV show host, and recent convert to the weekend nomad lifestyle.

Pamela is the master of reinvention; from moving through the unknown: rejection, fear, near bankruptcy, and loneliness, Pamela has uncovered life-altering wisdom that made all the difference in her ability to thrive against the odds. She has turned her hard-earned wisdom into a prosperous business dedicated to helping women make their lives meaningful, engaged, and empowering regardless of where they start.

Just some of what we share in our chat is
• How to live from your core values and trust your inner voice,
• Ways to strengthen your resilience, including during times of renewal,
• Why it’s important to celebrate your magnificence within,
• Simple guidelines to develop your inner and outer adventurer and much more…

More About Our Guest:

Pamela Sylvan has long had a sense of adventure, and when ‘it’ calls, she answers, including recently embracing the weekender van lifestyle.

Pamela says, “resiliency, high confidence, presence, and charisma CAN be learned with practice and practical wisdom.” She knows what she’s talking about…in her fifties, she packed a bag, moved across the country, and reinvented herself. Now, she helps others find their reinvention by bringing neuroscience and personal development skills together with decades of teaching personal branding, corporate training and development, and one-to-one courage and confidence mentoring to help others change their lives.

Learn more at, where she has a no-cost e-book for you to ‘move past stuck’ too.

This show is not intended to diagnose, prevent, or treat autoimmune diseases or other illnesses. The information presented within cannot substitute for the advice of your physician or other trained healthcare professionals. The information provided on, Life Interrupted, and The Autoimmune Hour are for educational purposes only.

#PamelaSylvan #SharonSayler #AutoImmuneHour

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