Everyday Conversation About Growthwork with Wanda
Written by OMTimes Radio on March 14, 2023
Everyday Conversation About Growthwork with Wanda
Air Date: Tuesday, 21 March 2023 at 8:00 PM ET/5:00 PM PT
This week on Expedition Self, we’re hosting another ‘Everyday Conversation About Growthwork with Wanda’.
As part of our continuing commitment to demonstrate and explore the most effective ways to ‘go inside the Self’ – we invite individuals who are invested in their own Growthwork to speak about the choices they’ve made throughout their life to seek transformation, healing, and self development.
This week we’ll speak with Wanda.
One of the best ways to integrate consciousness in our daily practice is to see it through the eyes of another. Through someone’s unique perspective and outlook, you are able to consider the ideas from a different point of view. And this helps to make the ideas more real and workable in your own life.
When did you realize you wanted to dive deeper? What life events took the most toll on your sense of Self and shaped the trajectory of your future? What activities and practices do you find most helpful in breaking out of the rinse-repeat aspects of every day?
You’ll have an opportunity to hear Wanda’s take on these questions and more. She’s someone who offers open, thoughtful insight about the role of the unconscious, building relationships, and discovering life’s mysteries.
You might notice we’re not promoting the hour by providing roles, descriptors, or highlights of her accomplishments. In this day and age, there’s just too much focus on, “Is this person worth my time?” Instead, think of as two people, talking deeply and intimately about what it means to be human in the hopes you will make more intimate contact with your humanness.
In this engaging hour, you’ll get just a moment to listen to a seeker share their what it’s like for them to go inside. Sam invites you to CALL IN and CHAT LIVE during our ‘Everyday Conversation About Growthwork with Wanda’. Ask questions. Share experiences. This could be the hour that moves you one step further on your growth and development journey.
Go to samparrotto.com to follow along and new show updates each week.
You won’t want to miss being an ‘ON AIR’ participant of Expedition Self. Sam will provide real insight, understanding and offer an opportunity to connect a ‘NEW way of thinking’ to ‘YOUR way of thinking’.
Each week Sam discusses a different and highly accessible aspect of life helping you to build a stronger, deeper relationship with the inner Self so you can become more and more WHOLE.
Visit the Expedition Self Show Page https://omtimes.com/iom/shows/expedition-self/
Connect with Sam Parrotto on her website at https://www.expeditionself.com/
#Wanda #SamParrotto #ExpeditionSelf #Creativity
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