Fueling Your Heart’s Desire
Written by OMTimes Radio on March 13, 2023
Fueling Your Heart’s Desire
Livestreaming Monday, 20 March 2023 at 4:00 PM ET/1:00 PM PT on OMTimes Magazine Facebook, OMTimes Radio & TV Facebook, OMTimesTV Youtube, and Katherine McIntosh Facebook
Do you know what fuels you? Sometimes we wait to be happy until we accomplish our targets or dreams. We wait to be happy until we lose the 5 pounds, have the $10,000 month, find the partner of our dreams, but waiting to be happy never fuels you and in fact it’s nearly impossible. The trick is to find the people, energies, possibilities, and connections that light you up and when you choose those things, then you will have the fuel to create the life of your dreams.
#HeartsDesire #KatherineMcIntosh #TrustingYourGut
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