Autism – Prototype For The New Human?

Written by on December 7, 2023

Autism – Prototype For The New Human?

Livestreaming Thursday, 14 December 2023 at 9:00 AM PST/12:00 PM EST on OMTimes Magazine FacebookOMTimes Radio & TV FacebookOMTimesTV Youtube and the Sandie Sedgbeer Facebook Page

What Is Going OM Sandie Sedgbeer OMTimes

What can autism, language, words, and non-verbal communication tell us about the future of humanity?

Christina-Donnell_What-is-Going-OM_OMTimes-RadioIs it a coincidence that diagnoses of ASD, ADHD, Sensory Processing, and other so-called “functional disorders” began to escalate at the same time in our history as the “Indigo,” “Crystal,“ and Energetically Sensitive children—AKA The New Kids– began to put in their appearance?

Why do the “new kids” pay more attention to the frequency adults transmit than the words they use?

What mistakes might we have made in defining these populations by their perceived limitations rather than celebrating their greater capacities?

Could “Autism Spectrum Disorders,” Sensory Processing “Issues,” ADD/ADHD, and other so-called “disorders” be the energetic template for the new human? GEN X, GEN Z, ASD & Energetically Sensitive Children—are they the energetic template for the new human?

Does the future of our world lie in the spirit of these children?

Few would argue that there is a mass awakening taking place. We all know that children and youths are different than previous generations. But do we really understand the role that they are playing in the next stage of humanity’s evolution?

CHRISTINA DONNELL is a Clinical Psychologist, mystic, spiritual teacher, and author of two. Multi-award-winning books Transcendent Dreaming: Stepping Into Our Human Potential and Encounters with Living Language: Surrendering to the Power of Words chronicles her 92 consciousness-expanding encounters with language inspired by a message from the invisible world.

Suzy-Miller_What-Is-Going-OM_OMTimes-RadioSUZY MILLER is a former pediatric speech-language pathologist who, following a telepathic encounter with a four-year-old non-verbal autistic child, has spent 25 years working with children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum “disorders” and “energetically sensitive kids” while channeling the collective consciousness of these populations. She is the author of the ground-breaking book Awesomism: A New Way to Understand the Diagnosis of Autism and is the founder and CEO of Blue Star Education and Research.

Suzy Miller and Christina Donnell join Sandie this week to share their insights, research, and answers to the posed above about what we can learn from today’s children and young adults about the collective awakening, new paradigms of consciousness, and the metamorphosis that humanity is now undergoing.

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