What Does the Soul Want to Know with Stephanie Banks

Written by on August 14, 2024

What Does the Soul Want to Know with Stephanie Banks

Airing Wednesday, 21 August 2024 at 12:00 PM PST / 3:00 PM EST

Inspired Living Radio Marc Lainhart OMTimes radio

Join Inspired Living Host Marc Lainhart – The Intuitive Prospector™ this “Wisdom Wednesday” as we welcome to the show for the first time Ms. Stephanie Banks, a highly sought-after intuitive channel, mentor, and guide who helps people connect on the soul level. In her TEDx talk, I Am an Intuitive Channel, she shares her unexpected experience with channeling and invites others to discover their own intuitive gifts. “We have all been heavily influenced by societal, familial, and cultural conditioning. Sometimes, that conditioning runs so deep that we disconnect from our soul’s purpose.” Through channeling gifts, Ms. Banks reconnects people to their souls’ wisdom and innate intuition to create a life of their wildest imagination! “How much more fun could you have if your spirit was your guiding force?” -Stephanie Banks


Stephanie BanksStephanie Banks is a highly sought-after intuitive channel, mentor, and guide who helps people connect on the soul level. She channels from the perspective of any soul currently on the planet, souls on the other side, purely non-physical beings such as spirit guides, as well as trees, animals, and Gaia. Connection and communication are the common themes in Stephanie’s professional endeavors as a speech-language pathologist, birth doula, lactation consultant, infant massage instructor, and intuitive channel. When her mother’s dementia made verbal communication impossible, Stephanie found ways to communicate with her mother’s soul. This was the beginning of her channeling journey. As a conscious channel, Stephanie is both the vessel to receive the messages as well as a guide to provide depth and context for the information coming through. She uses her keen sense of humor, love, and compassion to join her clients in their spiritual experiences. Stephanie also mentors clients in discerning their own inner voice of wisdom, enhancing their confidence and self-trust, improving their relationships, clarifying their soul’s purpose, and finding their laughter and joy. Author of the best-seller Joining Joanie – Staying Connected To Your Loved One Through Dementia And Beyond, Stephanie is completing her second book about her spiritual journey. In her TEDx talk, I Am an Intuitive Channel, she shares her unexpected experience with channeling and invites others to discover their own intuitive gifts.






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Marc-Lainhart_Inspired-Living_OMTimes-RadioMinister Marc Lainhart is an award-winning Psychic-Medium, Intuitive, Published Author, and Best American Psychics 2020 Psychic of the Year. Based in Seattle, Washington, Marc’s work as a writer, teacher, radio show host, inspirational thought leader, hiking guide, and certified healthcare provider is using his profound and tested perception to “Prospect” this mysterious, mystical, and magical world around us through several profound and monumental “Soul Adventures!” Marc is passionate about connecting, educating, guiding, helping, healing, inspiring, and teaching others from years of personal experiences and growth through loss, grief, trauma, death, and dying. While promoting balance, healing, peace, transformation, inspiration, and guidance to live again, explore and live life more fully, and assist those wanting to discover and reveal that beautiful and brilliant diamond within and the many hidden gems around us!

“A new day! A new opportunity! A day we have not seen before to use our intuition to prospect this wonderful world around us!” -The Intuitive Prospector™

A Near-Death Experience (NDE). An Out of Body Experience (OBE). A few Incredible and Unbelievable Experiences (IUEs). A few personal Traumas and Tragedies along the way Marc often refers to this as the “TNT of life” that blew up and forever changed his path, his beliefs, his education, his career, his Alchemy of the mind, body, and soul to heal and transform to reveal and share the diamond within! Marc has spent the last two decades deciphering, demystifying, and “Prospecting” the sensational and sometimes controversial subjects of death and dying, metaphysics, spirituality, psychic sciences, and modern-day mediumship. Marc now endeavors to help others from around the world tap into, explore, discover, and flex their natural intuitive muscles and abilities with awareness, intelligence, logic, and acceptance of “After Death Communications,” or what Marc refers to today as another form of higher communication and intelligence or “Spiritual ADCs.” Suppose we set an intention and an awareness through free will and choice and begin to look, feel, and know the “Signs, Symbols, Synergy, and Synchronicities” of life. In that case and knowledge, we will discover what we see in the physical world and what we do not see with the human eye. “Ask, believe, take a deep breath, receive, and perceive.”

#StephanieBanks #Spirituality #InspiredLiving #MarcLainhart

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