Jacqueline Stratton – Shifting From Mainstream Job to Following Your Passion
Written by OMTimes Radio on October 9, 2024
Jacqueline Stratton – Shifting From Mainstream Job to Following Your Passion
Air Date: Wednesday, 16 October 2024 at 12:00 PM ET/9:00 AM PT
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What does it take to switch careers midlife? Jacqueline Stratton went from being in a traditional educational environment to listening to her heart and following her true passion. Plus, she did this after being a teacher for over three decades! When the Universe threw several curveballs, Jacqueline Stratton finally took the glaring hints and changed her trajectory.
Jacqui is a long-time practitioner of Royce’s Perfect Life Awakening Program and is her co-host on the “It’s All Mirrors” show. She has studied multiple genres of self-help techniques and practices diverse spiritual endeavors. Jacqui taught all levels of elementary school for 30 years, has her master’s degree in education, and is a child development and parenting expert. Hear her inspiring story about trusting her intuition and following her true purpose.
#JacquelineStratton #RoyceMorales #PerfectLifeAwakening #Empowerment #Spirituality #Consciousness #PersonalGrowth #Transformation
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