Rethinking Reality with Cynthia Sue Larson and Kingsley Dennis, Part 2

Written by on November 12, 2024

Rethinking Reality with Cynthia Sue Larson and Kingsley Dennis, Part 2

Livestreaming Tuesday, 19 November 2024 at 12:00 PM EST/09:00 AM PST on OMTimes Magazine FacebookOMTimes Radio & TV FacebookOMTimesTV Youtube and the Sandie Sedgbeer Facebook Page

Beyond the Cutting Edge Sandie Sedgbeer OMTimes Rethinking Reality with Cynthia Sue Larson and Kingsley Dennis

In this month’s two-part Conversation Beyond the Cutting Edge, Cynthia Sue Larson and Kingsley Dennis join Sandie Sedgbeer in a lively and thoughtful exploration of the profound themes of consciousness, the nature of reality, whether we have been tricked into perceiving a false reality, and the collective awakening of humanity. They discuss the transition from localized narratives to a global consciousness, how the Mandela Effect illustrates the fluidity of reality, and the inversion of traditional understandings of reality. They emphasize the importance of subjective experiences and the role of consciousness in shaping our reality while also addressing the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead for humanity as we navigate this transformative period.

Topics also include:

  • The challenges and opportunities that lie ahead for humanity as we navigate this
  • The complexities of Gnosticism, the nature of reality, and the influences that shape human consciousness
  • The role of consciousness in shaping our reality
  • Egregores – the hidden influences in our lives
  • The importance of critical awareness in discerning our thoughts
  • Reflections on our true nature as spiritual beings
  • The purpose of human existence

And more.

CYNTHIA SUE LARSON is the best-selling author of several books, including The Mandela Effect and its Society—Awakening from ME to WE; Quantum Jumps; Reality Shifts; and High Energy Money. She has a degree in physics from UC Berkeley, an MBA degree, a Doctor of Divinity, and a second-degree black belt. Cynthia is the founder of RealityShifters, the first president of the International Mandela Effect Conference, the managing director of Foundations of Mind, and the creator and host of the Living the Quantum Dream podcast.  She has been featured in numerous shows, including Gaia, the History Channel, Coast to Coast AM, and the BBC. Cynthia reminds us to ask in every situation, “How good can it get?”   |

KINGSLEY L. DENNIS, PhD, is a researcher, publisher, and author of numerous articles on social and digital futures, new technologies, global affairs, and conscious evolution. His books include Hijacking Reality; Healing the Wounded Mind, New Consciousness for a New World; The Struggle for Your Mind; The Inversion: How We Have Been Tricked into Perceiving a False Reality, and the celebrated Dawn of the Akashic Age (with Ervin Laszlo). He previously worked in the Sociology Department at Lancaster University, UK, and serves as

Director of Publications for the Laszlo Institute for New Paradigm Research. In this role, he has acted as Series Editor for a number of publications, including What is Reality? by Ervin Laszlo and What is Consciousness? by Ervin Laszlo, Jean Huston, and Larry Dossey. He also runs his own publishing imprint, Beautiful Traitor Books.   |


#CynthiaSueLarson #KingsleyDennis #SandieSedgbeer #ConversationsBeyondTheCuttingEdge #Interviews


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