Shattering the Truth Embargo with Mary Rodwell and Suzy Miller – Part 1

Written by on November 26, 2024

Shattering the Truth Embargo with Mary Rodwell and Suzy Miller – Part 1: Autism, ETs DNA and Awakening

Livestreaming Tuesday, 03 December 2024 at 12:00 PM EST/09:00 AM PST on OMTimes Magazine FacebookOMTimes Radio & TV FacebookOMTimesTV Youtube and the Sandie Sedgbeer Facebook Page

Beyond the Cutting Edge Sandie Sedgbeer OMTimes Truth Embargo with Mary Rodwell and Suzy Miller

Mary Rodwell and Suzy Miller join Sandie Sedgbeer in a deeply illuminating conversation that explores profound themes surrounding cosmic truths, the awakening of consciousness, and the unique experiences of children labeled as autistic. The discussion delves into the connections between these children and extraterrestrial intelligences, the challenges they face in a linear world, and the transformative potential they hold for humanity’s future. Suzy and Mary share their personal journeys, insights from their work with families, and the importance of recognizing the multidimensional abilities of these new humans as they pave the way for a new era of understanding and connection.

Topics also include:

• Children diagnosed with autism and multidimensional abilities.
• How experiences with non-human intelligences are becoming more vocalized
• Why the concept of timelessness is essential to understanding our being
• How the new generation is preparing humanity for a significant transformation.
• Why understanding the connection between DNA and consciousness is vital
• What the future holds for humanity’s evolution… and more…

Suzy MillerSUZY MILLER is an integration specialist, visionary Speaker, CEO, and founder of Blue Star Education and Research, LLC, and author of the seminal book Awesomism: A New Way to Understand Autism. A former pediatric speech-language pathologist, Suzy collaborates with scientists, educators, therapists, and inventors of new technologies and has mentored professionals and parents for three decades on how to support the integration of vibrationally aware individuals, including those diagnosed on the autism spectrum. She is a frequent speaker on podcasts related to evolving consciousness and the role those diagnosed on the spectrum play in human evolution. She currently offers six-week and six-month courses to support parents and professionals, as well as monthly energetic balance sessions to navigate these changing times successfully. In addition, her New World Portal Community is quickly becoming the ‘go-to” for understanding and living the New Human Experience.

Mary RodwellMARY RODWELL is one of Australia’s leading researchers and writers in the UFO and contact phenomenon areas. The founder and Principal of Australian Close Encounter Resource Network (ACERN), established in 1997 to provide professional counseling, support, hypnotherapy and information to individuals and their families with ‘anomalous’ paranormal experiences and abduction-contact experiences, she is Director and Chair of the Experiencer Support Programs of Dr Edgar Mitchell: Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial Encounters (FREE); and an advisory Committee member of Exopolitics ( She is the author of Awakening: How Extraterrestrial Contact Can Transform Your Life and The New Human: Awakening to our Cosmic Heritage, and producer of EBE award-winning documentaries Expressions of ET Contact: A Visual Blueprint? (2000), and Expressions of ET Contact: A Communication and Healing Blueprint? (2004).

#TruthEmbargo #MaryRodwell #SuzyMiller #Autism #ETs #DNA #Awakening #SandieSedgbeer #ConversationsBeyondTheCuttingEdge #Interviews

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