A Mystical Christmas with Carmen Froment
Written by OMTimes Radio on December 16, 2024
A Mystical Christmas to reconnect with your soul and spirit and a recipe to begin the New Year with Carmen Froment
Livestreaming Monday, 23 December 2024 at 12:00 PM ET/09:00 AM PT on OMTimes Magazine Facebook, OMTimes Radio & TV Facebook, Humanity Healing Facebook, and OMTimesTV Youtube.
With Carmen Froment. Hosted by Naika Gabriel.
Is it not surprising that the Christmas celebration happens during the winter solstice when darkness is at its most? Gestation and germination do take place in the dark, yet the forces of nature are in action for a spring regeneration. The same process applies to the birth of our superconsciousness. Spiritually speaking, it is also by going in our inner sanctum that we awaken the forces of higher Self, of our soul and spirit, for the second birth to take place. Jesus was the name of the man and the state he reached is called the Christ consciousness. We took can become Christ like and accomplish as many marvels as he did and even greater ones.
In this episode, we will share a special recipe with daily ingredients for the first 12 days of the year to experience a magical 2025 year!
Books by Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov mentioned in this episode
Christmas and Easter in the Initiatic Tradition, Izvor 209: https://www.prosveta-usa.com/christmas-and-easter-in-the-initiatic-tradition
The Second Birth, Complete Works, Volume 1: https://www.prosveta-usa.com/the-second-birth
The Mysteries of Yesod: Foundations of the Spiritual Life, Complete Works, Volume 7: https://www.prosveta-usa.com/the-mysteries-of-yesod-foundations-of-spiritual-life
A New Earth: Methods, exercises, formulas, prayers, Volume 13: https://prosveta-usa.com/a-new-earth-methods-exercises-formulas-prayers
About Carmen Froment
Born in Quebec and raised Catholic, Carmen’s curiosity led her from singing about God as a child to exploring reincarnation in her teens. She became a flight attendant at 19, trained as yoga teacher in the United States, and continued her spiritual journey throughout her life. She discovered Omraam’s Teaching and met him while in her 20s, which deeply influenced the rest of her life. She also became an author and coordinator of The Aquarian Team, a group writing books based on Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov’s Teaching.
On the Aquarian Team: https://www.youtube.com/@TheAquarianTeam
Carmen’s books: https://www.prosveta-usa.com/set-of-three-books-by-the-aquarian-team?bc=search
Carmen’s presentations and interviews
On the science of the initiates &list=PLK12QNz7paP_WeCz7NNUgjPcNMPHeceGG&index=2&t=21s
On the power of the collectivity &list=PLK12QNz7paP_WeCz7NNUgjPcNMPHeceGG&index=6&t=4s
On sexuality, nutrition and reincarnation &t=608s
On harmony and healing &t=454s
#MysticalChristmas #InitiaticScience #Spirituality #Fraternity #Brotherhood #AgelessWisdom #Omraam
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