The Four Sacred Sciences with Richard Kamendje

Written by on December 30, 2024

The Four Sacred Sciences (Alchemy, Astrology, Kabbalah, and Magic) with Richard Kamendje

Livestreaming Monday, 06 January 2025 at 12:00 PM ET/09:00 AM PT on OMTimes Magazine FacebookOMTimes Radio & TV Facebook, Humanity Healing Facebook, and OMTimesTV Youtube.

Towards a Solar Civilization Master Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov OMTimes Richard Kamendje

Hosted by Naika Gabriel

Systematically verifiable knowledge through universally applicable methods is something that is characteristic of natural sciences. Spiritual teachings and their traditions have always had at their core the purpose of contributing to the inner transformation of human beings towards their perfection. This implies the need for a deep knowledge of their nature and the provision of suitable methods that have a verified potential to lead to the goal. The sacred sciences, including Alchemy, Astrology, Cabbalah, and Magic, have been established to provide such a powerful spiritual framework.

In this episode, we will attempt to connect conscious nutrition with spiritual transformation, breathing exercises with cosmic harmony, meditation with Cabbalistic understanding, and conscious gestures with white magic. Our goal is to show that everything we do in life can be utilized for our spiritual development.

Books by Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov mentioned in this episode

Alchemy, Astrology, Magic, Kabbalah – Aspects of esoteric science, Complete Works No. 4:

Specifically on Alchemy

True Alchemy or the Quest for Perfection, Izvor 221:

Spiritual Alchemy, Complete Works, Volume 2:

On Astrology

The Zodiac Key to Man and to the Universe, Izvor 220:

Respiration – Spiritual Dimensions and Practical Applications, Brochure 303:

A video talk by the Master about “Breathing, the Key to the Rhythms of the Universe” DVD NTSC (plays on North American computers/TVs). With subtitles in English and 10 other languages.

On Kabbalah

Angels and other Mysteries of the Tree of Life, Izvor 236:

The Fruits of the Tree of Life, the Cabbalistic Tradition, Complete Works, Volume 32:

The Sephirotic Tree or the Cabbalistic Tree of Life, drawn by Ivano Marchesani. A high quality reprint (40×60 cm or approximately 16×24 inches):

On Magic

The Book of Divine Magic, Izvor 226:

About Richard Kamendje

A physicist by training, Richard discovered the teaching of Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov right after finishing high school. This has had a decisive impact on his approach to scientific research, namely the quest for one that encompasses all aspects of life, including humans’ inner life. Richard’s professional field of expertise is nuclear fusion, and he is currently at the forefront of research in this field with the EUROfusion consortium, which has headquarters in Germany.

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