Jayne Jones – The No Sugar Baker
Written by OMTimes Radio on February 6, 2025
Jayne Jones – The No Sugar Baker
Airing Thursday, 13 February 2025 at 5:00 PM PST / 8:00 PM EST
On her 44th birthday, Jayne Jones landed in the ER with sky-high blood pressure and record-high glucose levels and was diagnosed as severely diabetic. She went home from the ER feeling defeated and losing her eyesight for 3 weeks. Fast forward 6 months later, she was sugar-free, insulin-free, diabetic medicine-free, and her vision was back to 20/20. Jayne tiptoed her way back into her kitchen and reinvented and modified recipes, making them completely sugar-free without losing any taste. Jayne rolled up her sleeves, put back on an apron, and went to work as the No Sugar Baker™.
Her website is http://nosugarbaker.com, and she joins me this week to share her story and book, The No Sugar Baker: Cookbook For Healthy Living & No Regrets.
#JayneJones #NoSugarBaker #VoxNovus #VictorFuhrman #Lifestyle #Interviews
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