The Dr. Kevin Show – Kari Kelley
Written by OMTimes Radio on January 11, 2018
Aired Thursday, 18 January 2018, 6:00 PM ET
The Dr. Kevin Show – Kari Kelley
Kari Kelley is a writer, speaker and vocalist deeply passionate about sharing her voice of courage and inspiration. She has been featured on a wide variety of stages, panels, radio and TV shows across the United States. Kari is the author of “Black, Blind and Female;” the creator, producer and performer of her one-woman shows “Somebody Else’s Child;” “Voices of Resilience and “Three Chairs”and a contributing author to the bestselling e-book Village Pearls: Spiritual Practices to Uplift your Soul and the No. 1 Amazon bestselling book Heal Thy Self. Kari has entertained VIPs at sold-out networking events all around Northern California.
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