The Planets This Week: January 22, 2018

Written by on January 15, 2018

Aired Monday, 22 January 2018, 9:00 PM ET

The Planets This Week: January 22, 2018

What do the planets have in store this week? It’s a fairly quiet week as we build toward the intense energies of next week’s Lunar Eclipse.

Action planet Mars moves into Sagittarius where it will be until March 18th. During this time, many of us will broaden our horizons and approach life as a daring adventure. We’ll be on the move, restless to explore new vistas and impatient with the daily grind.

Personal freedom is a high priority now, and many of us will feel an urge to break free from any stifling relationship or situation. “Don’t fence me in” could be the theme song of this time.

Energy is high and we’ll enjoy physical exercise and competitive sports. Spending time in the wilderness – away from people and ordinary pressures – recharges batteries and fuels inspiration. Travel, especially to foreign destinations, could also be on the agenda, because we long to expand beyond the familiar and encounter different cultures.

During this transit, we’re likely to feel enthusiastic about a variety of pursuits, and our zest for life will be contagious. Many of us will easily attract people with our adventurous spirit and optimistic outlook.

Watch out for a tendency toward recklessness and irresponsibility, especially with other people’s feelings. Many of us will be guilty of “foot in mouth” syndrome, blurting out whatever comes into our mind without thinking through the consequences. Be quick to offer a sincere apology, and we’re likely to be forgiven.

Tune in on Monday 6pm PT/9pm ET to find out more…

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