The Planets This Month: May 2018

Written by on April 23, 2018

Aired Monday, 30 April 2018, 9:00 PM ET

The Planets This Month: May 2018

Join astrologer, Kelli Fox, to find out how May’s planets will be affecting your sign. May’s big astrological news is the movement of Uranus, that most rebellious of planets, in Taurus, for a seven-year stint. On a global scale, we can expect to see tumultuous changes in our financial systems and perhaps in our weather systems too. Taurus rules the earth so an environmental catastrophe of some kind is not out of the question here, but any such event will prove to be a catalyst for good in the longer term. On a more personal level, each sign will feel the shock of change and upheaval in the area of life which Uranus now begins to transit: we would do well to remember that sometimes things must be torn down in order for something new to grow in its place.

Away from Uranus, May begins on a secretive and perhaps rather manipulative note for many, with two difficult squares on May 7th, between Mercury and Pluto and then between Venus and Neptune. The very next day, a difficult Sun-Jupiter opposition brings pride and ego into the mix, with potentially sudden consequences. Honesty is important at this time, and motives should be for the highest good.

Mid-month Uranus related rumblings are softened to some extent by the arrival of Venus in nurturing Cancer on May 19th, and by a very spiritual Jupiter-Neptune trine on May 25th. If we seek to solve our problems via love and compassion instead of via anger and force, possibilities will open up. May draws to a close with a positive and adventurous Full Moon in Sagittarius on May 29th; this is energy which helps us to think radically different thoughts and to be confident that things will work out OK.

Tune in on Monday 6pm PT/9pm ET to find out more…

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