The Remarkableness of Timelessness & Allowing

Written by on April 11, 2019

The Remarkableness of Timelessness & Allowing

Aired Thursday, 18 April 2019, 1:00 – 3:00 PM EST

“The first day I felt as though I had always been there, the last day I felt like I had just arrived.” —John Adago, author Ancient Wisdom Can Enrich Your Life Today on a friend’s observations

This week we will be exploring the remarkablenness of living in timelessness and allowing. These medicines bring great renewal and insights into our lives. They allow us to go beyond the chaos and spinning of our thoughts into a quality of action and seeing the uncommon in our every day lives.

Timelessness and allowing brings forth a new quality of seeing, action and sense of rhythm which allows us to regenerate, quiet the mind, and restore ourselves in ways like nothing else. It enables us to discover our strengths, new insights and own inner wisdom.

Join us as we explore the Remarkable with John Adago, author, retreat leader and facilitator of transformation.

Join us as to learn how.

•    Glenn Brooks, Host
•    John Adago, Host,
•    Janet Carafa,
•    Lisa LeRose, Executive Producer

John Adago has been a student and teacher of Philosophy for over 45 years, he has led groups in the study of philosophy, economics and meditation. He has founded several corporations, has been a builder and entrepreneur. He is the author of East Meets West, Ancient Wisdom Can Enrich Your, Life Today, The Story Teller and A Grandparents’ Tales.

He’s been interviewed on over 50 radio stations and lectured around the country. A father and grandfather, he lives with his wife in New York City.

To learn more, please visit:

The author is available to speak to groups and can be contacted at:

Janet Carafa is a mime artist based in New York City. Janet studied intensively with Marcel Marceau for 12 years and performed as lead company member of the American Mime Theatre directed by Paul J. Curtis. Janet is founder, owner and artistic director of NY Entertainment Connection. She is a certified Bikram Yoga instructor and teaches in NYC and Kauai, Hawaii. She owns Hot Yoga Princeville and has been teaching full classes and private sessions in both Kauai and in NYC since 2006. Janet is author of the “Yoga of Mime – Touching the Invisible”.

Lisa LeRose Wellness practitioner & Executive Producer is a natural health advocate, educator, counselor, international speaker, and eternal optimist. She believes that good health is our body’s natural state and that if you give your body the right environment and support… it can heal itself. Learn more about Lisa at:

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