Rabbi Michael Lerner – Revolutionary Love

Written by on December 30, 2020

Rabbi Michael Lerner – Revolutionary Love

Aired Wednesday, January 6, 2021 at 5:00 PM PST / 8:00 PM EST

Victor Fuhrman Destination Unlimited OMTimes Radio

In the spring of 2020, with the spread of the pandemic, the challenges it presented, the egregious acts of racism and racial violence and a failure of leadership to address these challenges, I shared on this program and in my community that it was a time for acts of radical kindness, radical compassion and radical love. We begin 2021 with the recognition that these acts continue to call to us and that our very survival is contingent on caring for one another, our environment, and our world. How may we find a path to this and in doing so open the hearts and minds of all peoples to this reality.



My guest this week on Destination Unlimited, Rabbi Michael Lerner, has made this path much of his life’s work. Rabbi Lerner is an American political activist, the editor of “Tikkun”, a progressive Jewish interfaith magazine based in Berkeley, California, and the Rabbi of Beyt Tikkun Synagogue in Berkeley. Rabbi Lerner’s legacy of political activism was launched in 1964 when he attended UC Berkeley. He walked past students sitting in protest, listened to their speeches, and joined their efforts quickly becoming a leader in the student movement. The failures of the social change movements of the 60s and 70s inspired him to study psychology to gain a deeper understanding of the psychodynamics of American society. Intellectual wisdom and curiosity as well as spiritual depth have always been the foundation of his work and efforts, giving rise to many articles, books, and ultimately, Tikkun magazine. His best-selling books include The Left Hand of God, Spirit Matters and Jewish Renewal. You can find out more about him at the websites Tikkun.org and http://beyttikkun.org/. He joins me this week to share his path, his work and his new book, Revolutionary Love: A Political Manifesto To Heal and Transform the World.

Visit the Destination Unlimited show page https://omtimes.com/iom/shows/destination-unlimited/

Connect with Victor Fuhrman at http://victorthevoice.com/

#MichaelLerner #RevolutionaryLove #VictorFuhrman #DestinationUnlimited

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