Andrew Brewer – Astrology & Past Lives

Written by on April 26, 2021

Andrew Brewer – Astrology & Past Lives

Air Date: Monday, 3 May 2021 at 5:00 PM ET/2:00 PM PT

Can astrology point to past lives? Andrew Brewer shares his research and methods in a mind-expanding discussion of what astrology can do. It’s just one of the tools he uses to test theories about past life connections, based on synastry (the links between individuals’ charts). He discusses his findings about some well-known people and their possible pasts, as well as how this approach may give you insight into your own life.

Andrew Brewer is a clairvoyant, astrologer, and past life reader/researcher. Author of 10 books, Andrew was the featured psychic in “Kebrina’s Psychic Answer” (which aired from 1992 – 1994) and has been listed in over 30 publications as “One of the Top 50 Psychics in the World,” “One of the Top 100 Lightworkers in the World” and “One of the Top 30 Psychics in the United States.”

He has been studying reincarnation and past lives for over 40 years. Andrew has published many prospective past life matches, some for celebrities and some for himself . . . his process involves (initially) a clairvoyant “vision” and is test-driven then with a biometric matching analysis — he believes that past life matches will share a strong physical harmonic with one another . . . and astrology (he also looks for, and expects, a very strong synastry between the charts of the two prospective lifetimes).

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