Money, Money, Money…
Written by OMTimes Radio on August 11, 2021
Money, Money, Money…
Air Date: Wednesday, 18 August 2021 at 5:00 PM ET/2:00 PM PT
We’re talking about Money, Money, Money… during this week’s show.
Are you tight or loose with it? Do you pay attention to the details or keep an arms-length away from it? Do you feel like you have enough? This is a subject that deserves more attention than most of us give it – or maybe it would benefit from a different kind of thoughtfulness.
Either way, our relationship with money is loaded up. Our sense of personal value is reflected by the way money flows in and through our lives. Fear is woven into each and every decision we make around spending and saving. And our early life experience plays a substantial role in the way we perceive money being drawn towards us.
In this week’s show, we’re going to talk about how ‘going inside’ the Self can make a tangible shift in how you lead your relationship with money. You’ll have an opportunity to contemplate the underlying levers affecting the many choices and decisions you make around when to spend and why to save.
Life is easier when we have an empowered relationship with our ‘dough’ – and this often corresponds with how we work with our innate talents. Sam will offer uncommon insights into the connection between joy, abundance, love, and worth.
Lean into your alliance with money and find the freedom to create a powerful, infinite and flowing life of abundance (without the typical ‘fund’ angst).
It’ll be a thought-provoking, inspiring hour for sure. And Sam invites you to CALL IN and CHAT LIVE and share your thoughts on ‘Money, Money, Money’, to further the conversation.
Go to to submit your questions for this week’s conversation.
You won’t want to miss being an ‘ON AIR’ participant of Expedition Self. Sam will provide real insight, understanding and offer an opportunity to connect a new way of thinking to YOUR way of thinking.
Each week Sam discusses a different and highly accessible slice of building a stronger, deeper relationship with the inner Self so that YOU have the tools to become more and more whole.
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#Money #SamParrotto #ExpeditionSelf #Creativity