Face to Face with Dr. Allan Hunter
Written by OMTimes Radio on June 16, 2022
Face to Face with Dr. Allan Hunter
Live on OMTimes Radio Thursday, June 23, 2022 at 10:30 PST / 1:30 PM EST
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Movies, soap operas, Harry Potter, memoir-writing, ancient wisdom, synchronicity, princes, frogs, and ugly sisters, and the six archetypes of love… these are just a few of the topics that professor of Literature and Counsellor Dr. Allan Hunter has tackled in his books, courses, and classes… But which 10 books by other authors influenced him the most on his life path?
Dr. Allan Hunter is a Professor of Literature and counsellor who has spent much of his professional life exploring how literature and story-telling (including soap operas) tap into the deep and unarticulated needs of society, and especially the ways of the heart. It is from these powerful influences, he says, that we shape our lives and ultimately our destiny. His books include
Write Your Memoir: The Soul Work of Telling Your Life Story, Princes, Frogs and Ugly Sisters: The Healing Power of the Grimm Brothers Tales, The Path of Synchronicity, and Gratitude and Beyond: Five Insights for a Fulfilled Life, to name just a few.
Join us this week when Dr. Allan Hunter will be sharing the 10 Best Spiritual Books that had the biggest influence on is life journey.
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