Raena Wilson – The Pearl’s Flame
Written by OMTimes Radio on August 4, 2022
Raena Wilson – The Pearl’s Flame
Aired Thursday, August 11, 2022 at 3:00 PM PST / 6:00 PM EST
This week on the Dr. Kevin Show is Raena Wilson.
As a spiritual healer and embodiment coach, Rev. Raena Wilson supports others to access, integrate, and express the deep callings of their Wild Soul, to walk more in the exquisite beauty of their Power, Love, and Wisdom. Raena weaves her experience in shamanic service, energy work, and trauma-informed somatic healing to help clients deepen their self-knowing, clarity, and empowerment.
She is a bridge, receiving transmissions from Spirit coming forth from different archetypes, cultures, and traditions, from ancient to galactic and multidimensional, receiving their wisdom on Creation and Consciousness. She follows the energy and not necessarily the rules or conventional thought, and in this way, helps many safely unpack deep unresolved traumas and reclaim their vitality. Her focus in her work is in helping others to increasingly live an embodied, heartful spiritual life; to BE vibrant, creative, intuitive, divinely whole—through the art of being human.
To find out more about Raena visit https://thepearlsflame.com/ and join the show at https://omtimes.com/iom/ 6 PM EST on Thursday August 11, 2022.
Visit the Dr. Kevin Show page https://omtimes.com/iom/shows/dr-kevin-show/
Connect with Dr. Kevin Ross Emery at http://www.mydrkevin.com/
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