Achieving Christ Consciousness with Barbara Marx Hubbard
Written by OMTimes Radio on December 9, 2015
Achieving Christ Consciousness with Barbara Marx Hubbard
Airing Wednesday, 16 December 2015, 12:00 PM ET
We know that Jesus was revolutionary, but he was evolutionary as well. In her new book, The Evolutionary Testament of Co-Creation, Barbara Marx Hubbard takes an in-depth examination of the Gospels and discovers that Jesus’ teachings provide us with solutions for our current challenges. She believes that each of us is endowed with ‘Christ-like’ powers that can help us to collectively transform our planet and create a positive future for everyone. Join us for an important and transformational conversation with renowned, author, teacher and visionary Barbara Marx Hubbard.
About the Guest Barbara Marx Hubbard
Barbara Marx Hubbard has been called “the voice for conscious evolution” by Deepak Chopra. As the subject of Neale Donald Walsch’s book, The Mother of Invention, many would agree Barbara is the world’s foremost global ambassador for conscious change.
At heart Barbara Marx Hubbard is a visionary, a social innovator. She thinks from an evolutionary perspective and believes that global change happens when we work collectively and selflessly for the greater good. She realizes that the lessons of evolution teach us that problems are evolutionary drivers and that crises precede transformation. This gives us a new way of seeing and responding to our global situation.
A prolific author and educator, Barbara has written seven books on social and planetary evolution. She has produced, hosted, and contributed to countless documentaries seen by millions of people around the world. In conjunction with the Shift Network, Barbara co-produced the worldwide “Birth 2012” multi-media event that was seen as a historic turning point in exposing the social, spiritual, scientific, and technological potential in humanity.
In 1984 her name was placed in nomination for the Vice Presidency of the United States on the Democratic Party ticket. She called for the creation of a Peace Room to scan for, map, connect and communicate what is working in America and all around the world. She also co-chaired a number of Soviet-American Citizen Summits, introducing a new concept called “SYNCON” to foster synergistic convergence between opposing groups. In addition she co-founded the World Future Society, and the Association for Global New Thought.
Barbara Marx Hubbard is not an idealist, nor does she believe that social and planetary change is simple. But she does believe that humanity has the tools, fortitude, and resolve to take the leap towards conscious evolution.
OMTimes Radio
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