Lessons from the 12 Archangels: Divine Intervention in Daily Life
Written by OMTimes Radio on July 17, 2016
Lessons from the 12 Archangels: Divine Intervention in Daily Life by Belinda Womack
Aired Sunday, 24 July 2016, 2:00 PM ET
We welcome on the circle of hearts radio, Sunday at 2 PM EST, Belinda Womack, During these very difficult times, our weary souls look for messages of inspiration and to be shown ways to empower ourselves in life journies. Belinda has provided a beautiful work called lessons from the 12 archangels intervention in daily life. She will share this work with us today. Join us in this sanctuary on the internet and find comforts from the messages of the archangels.
About the Guest Belinda Womack
A scientist by training, with dual master’s degrees in microbiology and environmental science (Indiana University), Belinda was called into service by the 12 Archangels while in a medical lab doing stem cell research. For nearly 25 years, she has had an active spiritual counseling practice to support individuals, couples and families in solving seemingly impossible problems. The creator of the 12 Archangels University, Belinda has developed an experiential and deeply spiritual on-line “change your everyday reality to Heaven on Earth” 15-module education platform. She includes on-going monthly conference calls for Q & A.
Please visit BelindaWomack.com to communicate with her or to sample the healing online and Lessons from the 12 Archangels: Divine Intervention in Daily Life by Belinda Womack (November 2015,Bear & Company).
A former scientist, with dual master degrees in microbiology and environmental science, Belinda was in a lab doing stem cell research when she found herself in the presence of an Archangel calling her to a life of service. She has been working with12 Archangels (the “big guns”) for the past 25 years to help us listen and heal our wounded inner child, release fears and enact deep subconscious transformation. Her new book offers a powerful guide to open your life to the wisdom and healing of the Angels, and their importance in guiding the planet. The 12 Archangels of the Central Sun of the Universe are all-powerful and all-loving energies that pour forth from the Heart of God. The book shares practices, daily guidance to and guided visualization to access the healing power of the chakras to manifest with the creative imagination.
Book Trailer: https://youtu.be/UgXb7z3Y1pk