Between Heaven and Earth

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Using Crystals to Balance Your Chakras – Margaret Ann Lembo Airing Wednesday, 2 September 2015, 4:00 PM ET Learn about how to use crystals to restore balance and promote healing as a complimentary therapy. You will receive new ideas on how to use gems for manifesting and attracting your desired reality. Margaret Ann shares her […]

Managing the Ups and Downs in Life – Cindy Nolte Airing Wednesday, 26 August 2015, 4:00 PM ET As daily life pummels us with its everyday stresses and unexpected obstacles, it is sometimes difficult to see a way out. Cindy Nolte’s book, Finding Peace in an Out of Control World gives you a no-nonsense approach, […]

Are Women and Men Truly Equal? – Jim Pathfinder Ewing Airing Wednesday, 19 August 2015, 4:00 PM ET What does it take to be a man? Women increasingly have more education and a higher earning capacity than men. They no longer wait for Prince Charming but actively initiate relationships. They are firefighters, warriors, welders and […]

Tap Into Your Genius with Spiritual Telepathy – Colleen Mauro Airing Wednesday, 5 August 2015, 4:00 PM ET Through a more advanced form of intuitive perception that Colleen Mauro calls, “spiritual telepathy” you can access the wisdom of your soul – and through your soul, make contact with the divine or universal mind. Colleen Mauro […]

A Story of Letting Go and Love – Kimberly Smythe Airing Wednesday, 29 July 2015, 4:00 PM ET Kimberly Smythe gave birth to a beautiful baby girl and then had to give her up. Join us as she tells us her story of how the happiness and completion she expected to feel when her first […]

Distance Energy Healing with Paul Lamb Airing Wednesday, 8 July 2015, 4:00 PM ET Distance Healing is a form of energy healing performed on a person who is physically in another location. Healing energy can be effectively transmitted over any distance. As with in-person energy healing, distance healing can help you by promoting the balance […]

Connecting with Your Soul – Indira Dyal Dominguez Airing Wednesday, 1 July 2015, 4:00 PM ET Connect with your soul by creating a relationship with the intuitive part of you called your Self. You’ll live your best life and learn simple and powerful tools to live as you were meant to be. Be the Self […]

Purple Paper Messages From The Other Side Airing Wednesday, 24 June 2015, 4:00 PM ET People who have passed send messages to their still living loved ones on sheets of purple paper, delivered by Roland Comtois, a profoundly gifted messenger. They are life changing not only for the people who receive them but also for […]

How to be Happy Airing Wednesday, 10 June 2015, 4:00 PM ET Find out how to bring more happiness into your life and increase your daily level of happiness. There’s been so much written about happiness; how to be happier, what really makes us happy, what science has to say about happiness, and is a […]

Switched On and Break Through with Nick Jankel Airing Wednesday, 3 June 2015, 4:00 PM ET Breakthrough Biodynamics is the cutting-edge process central to Switch On and sets Nick’s work apart. At its core is the 10-step ‘Breakthrough Curve’ beginning with the disorder of (1) Problems (2) Patterns, and (3) Pain and taking us through […]

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