Karma Talks
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Aired Wednesday, 22 February 2017, 12:00 PM ET Are You In Physical Pain? It Might Just Be Your Karma Karma carries energy and energy manifests within our body. So, if you are feeling physical pain, it could be a result of karmic energy that you are carrying. Karmic energy causes chakra energy blockages which causes […]
Aired Wednesday, 15 February 2017, 12:00 PM ET Can Your Karma Be Stopping You From Connecting With Your Soulmate? Have you ever wondered why you haven’t been able to find or connect with your true love? Does your heart feel blocked as though something is keeping you from truly welcoming love? Karma has a lot […]
Aired Wednesday, 8 February 2017, 12:00 PM ET Ever wondered what caused you to carry so much karmic energy? I will teach you about all the different ways and sources we receive karmic energy. Not all karma is bad. I will teach you how you can begin to heal from negative karma and create good […]