Rosalyn Fung

Rosalyn Fung shows

Rosalyn Fung, Host of  Activate Your Soulgasmic Business

Activate Your Soulgasmic Business Rosalyn Fung OMTimesTV



Rosalyn Fung is an intuitive mindset & visionary business coach specializing in client attraction and soulful sales. She is an international speaker & best-selling author, mastermind, and workshop facilitator on topics of self-love, mastering your energy, money mindset & attraction marketing through speaking and leveraging social media. Rosalyn is the host and catalyst of her new radio show: Activate Your Soulgasmic Business.

Rosalyn Fung

She is a co-author of the international best-selling book “What’s Self-Love Got to Do with it?” and Rosalyn has been featured in Huffington Post, CBC radio, and has spoken for Fearless Woman Summit, This Woman Means Business and Harvard University.

As a former psychologist of over 10 years, a 2nd-degree blackbelt in karate, and a Reiki Master, she combines the power of neuroscience, psychology, and spirituality to help you get out of your own way, unapologetically show up, and activate your SOULGASMIC business in a fun, bold and sexy way. Let’s magnetize your soulmate clients and monetize on your calling.


Quote Affirmations from Rosalyn Fung:

“My mission is to inspire and catalyze others to operate from a place of ‘beingness’, over ‘doingness’, so that we can live in a world and feel safe to show up authentically as who we really are.”

“Embrace all parts of who you are, especially your gifts, because this is when you truly magnetize aligned opportunities, clients, soul tribe, and abundance to you.”

“To me, soulgasms is like having an orgasm, or multiple orgasms on a soul level”.

“Your purpose is not to please others. Stop hiding and start speaking your Truth.”

“Our greatest challenges are the results of our deepest programming.”

“You are worthy of health, love, abundance, and magic.”

“You get to be in service and receive money. These are two things that Source wants us to integrate together.”

“You’re not for everyone. If you aren’t polarizing people, you aren’t going bold enough!”

“Create a 7 figure business in a fun, bold, and sexy way!”

“It’s about soul plus mindset plus strategies, structures, and systems.”

“Love the guts out of yourself.”

“Your vibe attracts your soul tribe”.


Visit Rosalyn Fung’s Activate Your Soulgasmic Business Show Page 

Connect with Rosalyn Fung at her website 

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