Celestial Compass with Kathy Biehl

Scheduled on

Monday 5:00 pm 6:00 pm
Wednesday 1:00 am 2:00 am
Friday 9:00 am 10:00 am

Astrology You Can Use With Kathy Biehl

Listen to The Celestial Compass, Live Every 1st and 3rd Monday of the Month at 5:00 PM ET/2:00 PM PT

Celestial Compass Kathy Biehl OMTimes Radio

What happens in the sky affects life down here on earth. Learn how with astrology you can use from Kathy Biehl. Every episode features her light-hearted, practical forecasts and tips for navigating the astrological weather. She also explores broader uses for astrology and other tools for empowerment, understanding, and planning, sometimes with the help of special guests.

To listen to past episodes of The Celestial Compass, click here:

Listen to The Celestial Compass, Live Every 1st and 3rd Monday of the Month at 5:00 PM ET/2:00 PM PT

What happens in the sky affects life down here on earth. The Celestial Compass shows you how and guides your way, with astrology you can use from Professional Astrologer and longtime OMTimes contributor Kathy Biehl.

Enlightening, entertaining, and empowering, every episode of The Celestial Compass features her light-hearted, practical forecasts and navigational tips, blended with humor, optimism, and a love of patterns, symbolism, and pop culture references. Whether you’re an adept or student or newcomer to astrology, The Celestial Compass has something for you. Kathy translates the technicalities into concepts that apply to real life. You’ll learn how the current moment ties to where we’ve been – from the recent past to cycles that last happened years ago – and get a look at where we’re heading.

Astrology is a lot more than forecasts, and The Celestial Compass tracks its wide-ranging possibilities as well. Some episodes go deep into influences that are defining the week, the month, or the year. Some discuss broader uses for astrology (such as the big and ongoing challenge of understanding and getting along with other people, choosing a career, handling retrogrades – and what those are – and working with planetary archetypes). Some take a look at how astrology intersects with other tools for empowerment, planning, and making sense of life down here on earth, from Tarot, oracles, and other divination systems; to archetypes and symbols; to energy management, work, and healing; and more.

Special guests frequently join in the fun, from the astrological, metaphysical, and spiritual communities and beyond.

Ommie Award AstrologetKathy Biehl won Best Astrologer in OMTimes Media’s 2022 Ommie Awards for individual achievement. She also received a 2022 Ommie Community Award for excellence in podcasting.

Kathy Biehl has been exploring and explaining the role of the sky down here on earth since her teens. She has built her life and career on a bridge between intuition and the rational mind. The Celestial Compass, like her work, draws on her uncommonly diverse life experience as an attorney, small business owner, performing artist, and writer.


Connect with Kathy Biehl on her website EmpowermentUnlimited.net

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