Inspired Conversations with Host Linda Joy

Scheduled on

Sunday 7:00 am 8:00 am
Monday 6:00 am 7:00 am
Tuesday 2:00 pm 3:00 pm
Thursday 11:00 pm 12:00 pm

Grab a cup of tea, or a glass of wine and get ready to be inspired!

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Listen to Inspired Conversations with Linda Joy Live every Tuesday at 2:00 PM EST/11:00 AM PST

Inspired Conversations Linda Joy OMTimes Radio

Get ready for intimate, soulful conversations with women that will inspire you on your path to intentional living.  Mindset Mojo™ Mentor and Intentional Living Guide, Linda Joy, publisher of the beloved Aspire Magazine since 2006 and founder of Inspired Living Publishing™ is one of the premier voices in women’s inspirational print and multimedia publishing. Listen in as she brings you intimate, authentic conversations with today’s leading visionary women in personal and spiritual development, success and mindset, natural health and wellness, conscious business, and self-empowerment.  Linda believes that when women share their stories and journeys with authenticity, vulnerability, and openness that we have the power to inspire, empower and support other women on the path of self-discovery.


Grab a cup of tea or a glass of wine and get ready to be inspired!


To listen to past episodes of Inspired Conversations with Linda Joy, click here:


Listen Live to Inspired Conversations with Linda Joy every Tuesday at 2:00 PM EST/11:00 AM PST

Get ready for intimate, soulful conversations with women that will inspire you on your path to intentional living.  Mindset Mojo™ Mentor and Intentional Living Guide, Linda Joy, publisher of the beloved Aspire Magazine since 2006 and founder of Inspired Living Publishing™ is one of the premier voices in women’s inspirational print and multimedia publishing. Listen in as she brings you intimate, authentic conversations with today’s leading visionary women in personal and spiritual development, success and mindset, natural health and wellness, conscious business, and self-empowerment.  Linda believes that when women share their stories and journeys with authenticity, vulnerability, and openness that we have the power to inspire, empower and support other women on the path of self-discovery.
Grab a cup of tea or a glass of wine and get ready to be inspired!


Linda Joy – Host of Inspired Conversations

Linda Joy is one of today’s premier voices in women’s inspirational print and multimedia publishing, and she’s on a mission. A mission to inspire women to rediscover and reconnect with their inner wisdom, honor their soul’s calling and empower them to live deeper, more authentic, inspired lives both personally and professionally.

Linda Joy is passionately dedicated to using her global multi-media brands to spread a message of love, feminine wisdom, and self-empowerment.  Her brands have become the go-to inspirational resources for women on the path of self-discovery, and her sacred message is embraced by over 44,000 subscribers and 21,000 social media fans.

Linda is the publisher of Aspire Magazine – the premier inspirational digital magazine for women celebrating its 10th year, as well as the publisher behind Inspired Living Publishing – a boutique publishing company giving entrepreneurial women a voice and a global platform to share their wisdom and message. Linda Joy has served over 150 authors using her Authentic StorytellingTM model and has birthed six bestselling books that topped the bestseller lists and lovingly bumped industry leaders, including Tony Robbins, Eckhart Tolle, and even Oprah’s Monthly Book Pick, from the top spot within hours of their release.


Connect with Linda Joy, Host of Inspired Conversations

Personal Website:

Aspire Magazine:

Aspire blog:

Inspired Living Publishing:

Inspired Living Giveaway:

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