Between Heaven and Earth

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5 Key Secrets to Grow Your Spiritual Business Airing Wednesday, 11 November 2015, 4:00 PM ET Lisa K. and Cindy Griffith will show you the 5 key secrets on how to create and grow a successful spiritual business. Whether you have a business or just starting, learn how to create a booming spiritual business using […]

Change Your Life by Connecting to Energy and Higher Consciousness – Aleya Dao Airing Wednesday, 4 November 2015, 4:00 PM ET Imagine a life filled with happiness and purpose, where you are connected with the divine and perfect aspect of yourself, protected and guided by a loving angelic presence. Deep inside, you feel creative, passionate, […]

5 Key Steps to Making Your Intuition Happen When You Want Airing Wednesday, 28 October 2015, 4:00 PM ET Are feeling overwhelmed at work? Endless to-do lists and family demands? When you use your intuition, you’ll be guided to better situations — from knowing the perfect thing to do or say, to increasing synchronicities at […]

Feel Great All The Time For The Rest Of Your Life – Kelly Johnson Airing Wednesday, 21 October 2015, 4:00 PM ET Your physical, emotional, and spiritual health has more influence over your ability to feel great than anything we experience on the outside. With so much going on in the world around you, the quest […]

What If Seinfeld Was a Spiritual Guru? Airing Wednesday, 14 October 2015, 4:00 PM ET What would spirituality sound like if Seinfeld were to teach it? Murphy can help you with your spirituality in an entertaining way that keeps you on track with a sense of humor. Lord Have Murphy, waking up in the spiritual […]

Thinking Can Change Your Life Part 1 – David Bennett Airing Wednesday, 7 October 2015, 4:00 PM ET You are what you think and that creates your life experience. When you contemplate certain divine ideas, they transform you in phenomenal ways. David Bennett wrote a book called A Voice As Old As Time, is filled […]

How Tai Chi Can Heal You Simply By Breathing, Walking and Your Posture – Peter Newton Airing Wednesday, 30 September 2015, 4:00 PM ET Tai Chi can heal you simply by your breathing, walking and posture. Peter Newton shows you how to gain access to the incredibly powerful healing postures, body-mechanics and breathing methods of […]

How to Rewrite Your Destiny – Shelly Wilson Airing Wednesday, 23 September 2015, 4:00 PM ET Shelly Wilson’s life started as an accident and could have turned into despair and disappointment, but through her spiritual tools she was able to turn her life struggles into gems. Her book, Journey into Consciousness may revolve around Shelly’s […]

Saved by the Power of Angels – Isabelle von Fallois Airing Wednesday, 16 September 2015, 4:00 PM ET Isabelle von Fallois was brought back from the brink of death by an amazing encounter with Archangel Raphael. Given only a few weeks to live, Isabelle’s last hope was to turn to God and his angels. He […]

The Healing Power of Crystals and Gem Stones – Naisha Ahsian Airing Wednesday, 9 September 2015, 4:00 PM ET Do you love crystals? Crystals have been used since the dawn of human history for healing and protection. The ancient Egyptians and Sumerians use crystals, precious and semi-precious stones both as jewelry and as mystical tools. […]

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