Conscious Parenting

Conscious Parenting Air Date: Wednesday, 3 March 2021 at 5:00 PM ET/2:00 PM PT Join Sam for this week’s conversation about ‘Conscious Parenting’. TUNE IN LIVE and learn about how your personal evolution and your children’s daily life are intertwined and shaping their tomorrow. There’s no question, parenting is both the hardest and most rewarding […]

Conscious Parenting – Part 2 Aired Thursday, September 17, 2020 at 1:00 PM PST / 4:00 PM EST Join Pennie and Jill again this week for part 2 of the discussion on Conscious Parenting and why our children act the way they do and the impact of our parenting style. How to react appropriately when […]

Conscious Parenting Aired Thursday, September 10, 2020 at 1:00 PM PST / 4:00 PM EST What a minefield… Everyone has their own ideas and most of us make it up as we go along… Nothing really prepares us for becoming a parent… The sleepless nights, chronic tiredness, the joy, the worry, feeling that you’re not […]

Living and Loving As An Evolutionary Family Airing Monday, 6 April 2015, 7:00 PM ET Timothy welcomes Cliff Ishigaki, Director of the Synthesis Center in Orange County, California. Cliff is a gifted Marriage and Family Counselor, Trauma Recovery Specialist, Ordained Minister, and Aikido Instructor. He has served as a Director of Counseling for a Juvenile […]

Discovering and Living Your Bliss, Part 2 Airing Monday, 30 March 2015, 7:00 PM ET Paramahansa Yogananda says, that no matter what we do in life “ . . . the ultimate end—which all other ends merely subserve—is the avoidance of pain and want, and the attainment of permanent Bliss.” He goes on to say, […]

Discovering and Living Your Bliss, Part 1 Airing Monday, 23 March 2015, 7:00 PM ET Sathya Sai Baba said, “Where there is FAITH, there is LOVE; Where there is LOVE; there is PEACE; Where there is PEACE; there is GOD; Where there is GOD; there is BLISS.” During the past two programs, which you are […]

Living In and As Love, Peace and Bliss Part 2 – Unity of Faiths Airing Monday, 16 March 2015, 7:00 PM ET As we continue to explore and experience our inherent Love, Peace and Bliss from last week’s program, we will also be exploring the spiritual unity of all humankind. In the song “Imagine”, John […]

Living In and As Love, Peace and Bliss Part 1 Airing Monday, 9 March 2015, 7:00 PM ET Sathya Sai Baba said, “Where there is FAITH, there is LOVE; Where there is LOVE; there is PEACE; Where there is PEACE; there is GOD; Where there is GOD; there is BLISS.”  On today’s program we’ll follow […]

The Wonders of Loving Our Children and Our Selves Unconditionally Airing Monday, 2 March 2015, 7:00 PM ET Nicholas Sparks said, “What it’s like to be a parent?  It’s one of the hardest things you’ll ever do but in exchange it teaches you the meaning of unconditional love.” On today’s program we’ll delve into the miraculous […]

Embodying Reverence for All Life! Airing Monday, 23 February 2015, 7:00 PM ET Albert Schweitzer said, “I can do no other than be reverent before everything that is called life.
 I can do no other than to have compassion for all that is called life.
 That is the beginning and the foundation of all ethics.” […]

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