
Aired Monday, 9 July 2018, 4:00 PM ET Start Your Week Happy What if every Monday or any day you have work to do and things to create is a fun day? In this episode learn the tools you can use to create your workday as effectively as possible and have fun too! Join Rebecca […]

Aired Tuesday, 3 July 2018, 6:00 PM EST Would You Rather Be Right Than Happy? Being right is one of the things people value the most. It’s also one of the things that creates most of the conflict on this planet. It actually takes a lot more energy to try to be right than to […]

Airing Tuesday, 14 November 2017, 2:00 PM ET Get Happy and Create a Kick-Butt Life! Isn’t it time to become your own happiness super-hero instead of waiting for others to be? Joining me today is America’s Happyologist, Certified Action Success Coach, bestselling author, and Founder of the Get Happy Zone lifestyle company, Jackie Ruka. In […]

How to be Happy Airing Wednesday, 10 June 2015, 4:00 PM ET Find out how to bring more happiness into your life and increase your daily level of happiness. There’s been so much written about happiness; how to be happier, what really makes us happy, what science has to say about happiness, and is a […]

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