Inspired Parenting

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How To Talk To Your Kids About Dreaming, Telepathic Communication, Human Potential, & Other Natural Intuitive Skills With Cynthia Sue Larson Airing Thursday, 12 November 2015, 7:00 PM ET Cynthia Sue Larson joins Sandie Sedgbeer to talk about her young adult novel, Karen Kimball and Dream Weaver’s Web, which introduces topics such lucid dreaming and […]

The Keys to Raising Emotionally Secure, Loving, Self-Confident Children in a Challenging World with Carista Luminare, Phd Airing Thursday, 5 November 2015, 7:00 PM ET Raising a child in today’s world is challenging for even the most conscious and loving parents. It is difficult to protect children from outside influences such as the onslaught of […]

How Animated Cartoons Can Revolutionize The Way Your Children Learn In The Classroom with Terry Thoren Airing Thursday, 29 October 2015, 7:00 PM ET Since Felix the cat made its first appearance in 1919, children—and adults—the world over have been enamored with cartoons. Cartoon characters are the biggest stars in entertainment, today appearing in countless […]

Are Schools Preparing Our Children For The Real World? Airing Thursday, 22 October 2015, 7:00 PM ET In today’s schools, our children have to be good at everything, but in the real world, they only have to be REALLY good at something. We have to change the message we giving to our children, and especially […]

Intuitive Mothers and Empathetic Children with Dr. Niki Elliott Airing Thursday, 15 October 2015, 7:00 PM ET When Dr. Niki Elliot I signed up for her first energy therapy training program, she knew very little about energy fields, chakras or what it meant to be an empathic intuitive. She was not drawn to the practice […]

MetaMusic: Opening the Learning Door in the ADD Mind with Professor Barbara Bullard Airing Thursday, 8 October 2015, 7:00 PM ET Children are continuously bathed in an ocean of music and sound. Like the air in which it travels, it swirls unnoticed around them during the course of their day, they seem to carry it […]

Discovering Your Child’s Learning Style with Mariaemma Pellulo-Willis Airing Thursday, 1 October 2015, 7:00 PM ET It has become widely accepted that not all children learn alike. Some grasp information best by reading, while others learn better through listening or discovering concepts in a hands-on fashion. Longtime educator Mariaemma Willis says there are actually five […]

Spiritual Parenting: Unlocking the Mystery of Your Child’s Unique Spiritual Essence Being with Dr. Connie Kaplan Airing Thursday, 24 September 2015, 7:00 PM ET Every child is unique. That statement is so obvious that it’s almost ridiculous to say it. However, we usually speak about the uniqueness of our children by describing what they “do”—whether […]

What Does it Really Mean to be a Mother? A Birth Mother’s Tale of Adoption, Reunion, Separation and Growth with Kimberly Smythe Airing Thursday, 17 September 2015, 7:00 PM ET We’ve all witnessed emotional “adoption reunions” on daytime TV. But we rarely see what happens when the cameras stop rolling. How do two people, related […]

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