Intuitive Transformations

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A Chorus In Miracles with James Twyman Airing Sunday, 4 October 2015, 9:00 PM ET Join Sylvia and her very special guest, spiritual pioneer, James Twyman, to discuss his latest film, A Chorus In Miracles, which he created as an homage to the most life-changing spiritual text of the 20th century, A Course In Miracles. […]

The Trauma Release Process with David Berceli PhD Airing Sunday, 27 September 2015, 9:00 PM ET Life can be stressful, anxiety provoking, and at times traumatic. The result is that many of us are chronically hurting and often unaware of just how deep our pain runs. Each unresolved hurtful experience is etched deep into the […]

Tantra For The West with Marc Allen Airing Sunday, 20 September 2015, 9:00 PM ET What does tantra have to do with work, money, creativity, relationships, food and drink, being alone, meditation and yoga, aging and healing, politics, freedom and enlightenment? Everything! When one thinks of tantra one thinks of sexual mysticism. Tantra is a […]

Change Your Life with Affirmative Self-Talk Airing Sunday, 13 September 2015, 9:00 PM ET Whether you are alone in your home or actively engaging with others, you are participating in a constant stream of conversation with consciousness. When you mindfully take a moment to observe your thoughts, how much thinking do you do that appears […]

Opening to Meditation with Diana Lang Airing Sunday, 6 September 2015, 9:00 PM ET When you hear the word meditation do you hunger for the delicious peace and calm that a few moments of silence have to offer, or do you turn and run in another direction believing that it’s impossible for you to quiet […]

Step Out of Your Story with Kim Schneiderman Airing Sunday, 30 August 2015, 9:00 PM ET When you experience the highs and lows of your life do you consider how you share the story of your life with others? Regardless of how your life unfolds, you alone have the power to choose to tell the […]

Love Cycles with Linda Carroll Airing Sunday, 23 August 2015, 9:00 PM ET To fall in love is magical. To remain in love is miraculous. What is the secret of a wholehearted long-lasting love relationship? My very special guest Linda Carroll provides clarity and dispels the mystery of wholehearted love relationships. With her book, Love […]

The Gift of the Empath with Matt Kahn Airing Sunday, 16 August 2015, 9:00 PM ET Do you yearn to celebrate every moment of life with ease, openness, and joy? Join Sylvia and her very special guest, Matt Kahn, for a show that will do far more than inform you. This show will transform you, […]

Talking Story with Marie-Rose Phan-Le Airing Sunday, 9 August 2015, 9:00 PM ET We are all on a spiritual path of understanding and awakening into more of who we really are. What if you had the opportunity to dive deep into the realm of ancient and indigenous wisdom? Would you take the leap? Would you […]

Dreams Really Do Come True with Boni Lonnsburry Airing Sunday, 26 July 2015, 9:00 PM ET Boni Lonnsburry went from being broke, alone, jobless and nearly homeless to being the owner of a multimillion-dollar business, married to the man of her dreams, and living a life she truly loves. How did Boni do that? Boni […]

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