Intuitive Transformations
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The Thought Exchange with David Friedman Airing Sunday, 19 July 2015, 9:00 PM ET What if there was a simple and easy way to improve your life? What if achieving real and lasting change in your life were as simple as connecting with the sensations you experience in your physical body? Just about everyone has […]
Transform Your Life with Spiritual Response Therapy Airing Sunday, 12 July 2015, 9:00 PM ET Are you looking for a way to truly transform your life? Spiritual Response Therapy (“SRT”) is an amazingly profound process developed by a former Unity Church Minister which uses special charts and a pendulum to identify, remove, and clear patterns […]
Aboriginal Secrets of Awakening with Robbie Holz Airing Sunday, 5 July 2015, 9:00 PM ET For over 60,000 years the Aboriginal people of Australia have kept their most sacred healing wisdom, transformational practices and traditions hidden away from the rest of the world. Very few outside of the Aboriginal linage have had the privilege to […]
The Transfiguration of Our World with Gordon Asher Davidson Airing Sunday, 28 June 2015, 9:00 PM ET Why is the world in such a state of upheaval today? Who or what is causing it, and where is humanity headed? Will life on planet earth get worst? Or, will it get better? Is there a higher […]
Be a Good in the World with Brenda Knight Airing Sunday, 14 June 2015, 9:00 PM ET Have you noticed how wonderful you feel after you have shown kindness to someone or when you have created something good in the life of another? The value of knowing that you have improved someone’s life in a […]
How Do You Pray? with Celeste Yacoboni Airing Sunday, 7 June 2015, 9:00 PM ET Have you noticed that how we pray can be as diverse as each individual on the planet? Celeste Yacoboni has masterfully crafted a rich tapestry of the many ways in which humanity communicates with what we call God, The Absolute, […]
Change Your Life With Affirmative Self-Talk Airing Sunday, 31 May 2015, 9:00 PM ET Whether you are alone or engaging with others you are participating in a constant stream of conversation with consciousness. However, when you take a moment to observe your thoughts, consider how much thinking you do that appears randomized, non-specific, idle, and […]
The Art of Receiving Airing Sunday, 24 May 2015, 9:00 PM ET Do you feel uncomfortable receiving compliments, assistance, support, and nurturing from others? Is it more comfortable for you to say, “No, thank you,” or “I don’t need any help” when someone offers to freely gift you with their time, money, energy, assistance, or […]
Twitter: Get the Inside Scoop with John Sparks Airing Sunday, 17 May 2015, 9:00 PM ET No matter what your point of view on Social Media may be, the verdict is out … Social Media is definitely here to stay. Social Media impacts our lives in countless ways from how we engage with entertainment, to […]
How Stress Impacts Children, Especially Those with Autism Airing Sunday, 3 May 2015, 9:00 PM ET Do you know someone who has a child that is highly sensitive, anxious, shows signs of ADHD, Bi-Polar, or has been diagnosed with Autism? Whether you answered “yes” or “no” you will want to listen to this show. Children who are […]