Marilyn Bradford
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Jumping Off The Cliff Airing Wednesday, 22 April 2015, 7:00 PM ET Does this sound familiar to you? “Yes, I really do want to change, but what is it going to look like? Exactly what steps will I be taking, and when and where and how will all of this take place?” This may come […]
Who Are You Making The Source? Airing Wednesday, 15 April 2015, 7:00 PM ET Who creates your life? Do you have a sense of being in charge or is it more that things just seem to “happen to you”? Are you the master artist of your future or do you feel like a beach ball […]
Dealing with ELF’s and Rattlesnakes Airing Wednesday, 8 April 2015, 7:00 PM ET Do you have difficult, underhanded people in your life? Are some of your so called friends and family members brilliant at putting on the show of being kind and caring while secretly sharpening the knife that they intend to stab into your […]
You’re Not Insane, It’s This Reality Airing Wednesday, 1 April 2015, 7:00 PM ET Have you ever felt that there must be something wrong with you? That everyone else was given the rule book but you weren’t? That what other people thought was important, real, and true just didn’t make any sense to you? Well […]
Marilyn Bradford on How to Break Your Addiction to Debt Simone Milasas, author of Joy of Business and business mentor, interviews Marilyn Bradford, LCSW, on how to change our addiction to debt. Airing Monday, 2 February 2015, 4:00 PM ET Addiction to Debt? That may sound a little crazy, but many people choose it! Can […]