Paul Levy

Paul Levy – Awakening the Creative Genius: Breaking Free from Wetiko’s Grip Aired Monday, June 12, 2023 at 11:00 AM PST / 2:00 PM EST / 7:00 PM GMT / 8:00 PM CET Join Voice Visionary Kara Johnstad on the Voice Rising Show as she dives deep into the realm of creativity and transformation with […]

Paul Levy – Wetiko: Healing the Mind Virus That Plaques Our World Aired Monday, December 13, 2021 at 11:00 AM PST / 2:00 PM EST / 7:00 PM GMT / 8:00 PM CET What is Wetiko? And what does Wetiko have to do with our voice and creating a healthy, sound world? In its Native […]

Mental Health, Trauma, and the Wetiko Mind Virus – From Breakdown to Breakthrough with Paul Levy Air Date Live Streaming on OMTimes TV 18 November at 12:00 PM ET/9:00 AM PT Watch the Livestream on OMTimes Radio & TV Facebook or OMTimesTV Youtube Over 40 years ago, Paul Levy, had a life-transforming spiritual awakening that was misdiagnosed as […]

Paul Levy – Wetiko: Healing the Mind-virus that Plagues Our World Aired Thursday, July 22, 2021 at 4:00 PM PST / 7:00 PM EST There is a contagious psychospiritual disease of the soul, a parasite of the mind, that is currently being acted out en masse on the world stage via a collective psychosis of […]

Paul Levy – Confronting “Notseeism” How Looking Evil In the Eye Can Awaken Us From Our Collective Bad Dream Aired Tuesday, August 11, 2020 at 2:00 PM PST / 5:00 PM EST Interview with Paul Levy, “Wounded Healer” and Author of “Dispelling Wetiko: Breaking the Curse of Evil” “SWAMI’S DICTIONARY: Notseeism: A deadly disease of […]

Aired Tuesday, 24 April 2018, 5:00 PM EST Paul Levy – Heartening News on Our Current Political Shituation – Material Reality MAY NOT Actually Exist! A Conversation with Jungian Author Paul Levy “What is reality? It’s simple. Reality is reality TV without the TV.” — Swami Beyondananda A number of years ago, I picked up […]

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